“Where I’m From”

Max Boesch-Powers
2 min readJul 29, 2019


Where I’m From

I’m from potholed city streets lined with bumper to bumper cars.

From a cramped, Boston apartment with stained wall to wall carpeting.

From long walks and long hours at the local Clarendon Street Playground.

I’m from a mischievous older brother

who knows infinite amounts about tech and the stock market.

From my generous French grandfather and sweet godmother

who smother me with love despite the language barrier.

I’m from a charming twin sister who forms the other part of my sibling triangle.

I’m from warm-hearted Aunts and Uncles,

and their irresistible easter cookies and classic stuffed peppers.

From the golden-brown hues and mouth-watering scents of baked goods

streaming out of my oven.

I’m from Costco’s army-sized portions of beef, salmon, and veggies

for my hungry family of five.

From an abundance of Swiss and French chocolate, always quickly devoured.

From one dad’s obsession with deceivingly healthy multigrain chips.

I’m from savory challah bread french toast baked Saturday morning

before a morning of exertion.

I’m from chunky PB&J’s,

the number one option for lunch on the go.

I’m from fresh-aired strolls to BB&N campuses.

From harborside sunsets in quaint York, Maine.

I’m from beautiful, lit up Christmas’ in small-town France.

I’m from warm Memorial days in the Hamptons

hosted by a generous family friend who caters to my every wish.

I’m from busy Boston, companionship Cambridge, and soothing York, Maine.

I’m from an acolyting troop at my local Protestant church.

I’m from local little league Baseball with local companions

and amateur in-town soccer.

From an ambitious, supportive, compassionate group of friends and family all year long.

