Two Republican, Ten Democratic: A Dozen Bios of A Dozen Presidential Candidates

Max Boesch-Powers
4 min readJul 29, 2019


Republican Party:

Donald Trump:

Donald Trump is the current President of the United States and was elected in 2016. He formerly hosted the reality tv show, “The Apprentice” because of his real estate mogul reputation. Trump’s main focuses as president have been immigration, infrastructure, the military, and the economy. Quote: “We have done more than any administration in the first two years; this should be easy.”

William Weld:

William Weld once ran with a Libertarian candidate for the Vice President spot but is running Republican in 2020. He was the governor of Massachusetts for six years and a vocal critic of Trump. Weld represents moderate Republicans who Trump is too extreme for and believes in legal marijuana usage, moderate immigration reform, and free trade. Quote: “(Trump) has virtually spat on the idea that we should have freedom of the press … He has failed to call out and denounce appalling instances of racism.”

Democratic Top Ten:

Pete Buttigieg: Pete Buttigieg, AKA “Mayor Pete” is the current mayor of the small town of South Bend, Indiana. He is the first openly gay man to run for president and is just 37 years old compared to Joe Biden at age 76. Buttigieg’s policies have not been outlined clearly yet, but his goal is for a younger more progressive democratic party even if he does not win the longshot nomination. Quote: “I get the urge people will have after Trump. ‘Look at the chaos and the exhaustion: Wouldn’t it be better to go back to something more stable with somebody we know?”

Julian Castro: Julian Castro is a Former United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and mayor of his native San Antonio. Castro was in Obama’s cabinet and has a twin brother who is a U.S Congressman. His primary focuses are universal pre-K, Medicare for all Americans, and immigration. Quote: “the American dream is not a sprint, or even a marathon, but a relay. Our families don’t always cross the finish line in the span of one generation. But each generation passes on to the next the fruits of their labor.”

John Delaney: John Delaney is a Former congressman from Maryland who has been running for the 2020 presidency since 2017. Delaney was also a very successful businessman whose two companies provided to small hospitals overlooked by big banks and lent money to over 5000 companies before his departure. John Delaney has a bipartisan stance for most issues but leans left in promoting healthcare for all. Quote: “Our employment future rests on the shoulders of the small employer, and we should be investing with them.”

Wayne Messam: Wayne Messam is the mayor of Miramar, Florida because he beat out a long time position holder to become the city’s first black mayor. Messam is a former college football champion, and he is a first-generation American born to Jamaican parents. Wayne Messam’s ideas include canceling 1.5 trillion dollars worth of student loans owed by 44 million Americans. Quote: “When you compare mayors to Washington insiders, Americans see that mayors actually get the job done.”

John Hickenlooper: John Hickenlooper is a former mayor of Denver and a Former congressman for the state of Colorado. Hickenlooper helped found the Wynkoop Brewing Company in Lodo, Colorado after his career as a geologist. Hickenlooper is fighting for gay rights, gun control, and increased healthcare efforts. Quote: “I’ve proven again and again I can bring people together to produce the progressive change Washington has failed to deliver.”

Jay Inslee: Jay Inslee is the Governor of Washington State and a former congressman. Inslee was known in the state of Washington for his forceful stance on ending climate change. Inslee’s main priority is climate change, and he stands out from the rest with his forcefulness regarding it. Quote: “I am the only candidate who will make defeating climate change our nation’s №1 priority.”

Beto O’Rourke: Beto O’Rourke is a Former congressman from Texas and was a contender in the 2018 Texas senate race. O’Rourke was narrowly beaten for the Senate seat by Ted Cruz, but his liberalism in red states inspires many middle-American voters. Beto O’Rourke focuses mainly on immigration, marijuana legalization, and rural hospital access. Quote: “This is going to be a positive campaign that seeks to bring out the very best from every single one of us, that seeks to unite a divided country.”

Elizabeth Warren: Elizabeth Warren is a former professor at Harvard and the current Senator from Massachusetts. Warren was widely criticized for claiming she had a false native American heritage, even becoming entangled in a feud with President Trump. Warren’s primary goals include income equality and the division of big corporations such as Apple, Facebook, and Amazon. Quote: “We have these giants corporations…that think they can roll over everyone.”

Bernie Sanders: Bernie Sanders is a Senator from Vermont, former congressman and previous candidate for the Democratic nomination. Sanders is a self-described socialist who believes in a strong middle class. Bernie Sanders’ main talking points are Medicare for all, free college tuition, and less political influence by billionaires. Quote: Democratic socialism means that we must reform a political system that is corrupt, that we must create an economy that works for all, not just the very wealthy.”

Andrew Yang: Andrew Yang is a Former technology executive who founded a non-profit aimed at economic development. One of Yang’s most vibrant ideas is to have a base income of $1,000 a month for every American in order to prop up the economy. Andrew Yang’s main ideas involve technology-fueled economic growth and base income. Quote: “Universal basic income is an old idea, but it’s an old idea that right now is uniquely relevant because of what we’re experiencing in society.”

